give a discount -dona un desconte
goods -mercaderia
invoice -factura
out of stock -esgotat
payment date - data de pagament
payments- pagaments
price per unit -preu per unitat
quality -calitat
quantity -cantitat
subtotal -subtotal
vat - IVA
account - comnte
cash - diners
charge it - carregar-lo
cheque - comprobar
credit card - targeta de credit
postage and handling- franqueig i manipulació
shipping - enviament
all in one - tot en un
built in - construit a
compact - compacte
complicated- complicat
dependable- fiable
ergonomic - ergonomic
flexible- flexible
high resolution - alta resolucio
portable - portatil
powerful - potent
practical - practic
reliable -fiable
secure - segur
simple - senzill
slimline - prim
sturdy - robust
super fast- super rapid
top of the range- superior de la gamma
user friendly- facil d'utilizar
wide screen- pantalla ampla
accessible - accessible
compatible - compatible
convenient- convenient
delivery fee- taxa de lliuramnet
place an order- realitzar una entrada
reduction - reduccio
spare parts- peces de recanvi
special offer- oferta especial
specialised- especialitzat
stocktaking- balanç
supply chain- subministrament
warehouse- magatzem
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